Thursday, 10 December 2009

Law and Justice - still definitely not the same thing

This gets better and better. I was back on an even keel after the unfortunate telephone call of Tuesday, and was quietly gearing myself for next Monday when I received an email about 40 minutes ago. This time, I was amused, even though it wasn't really funny, ha, ha! My tenants solicitors emailed to tell me that it was highlighted to me during the conversation that "possession of the property could not be obtained without a Warrant of Possession. This is irrespective of the fact that an Order for Possession was granted by the Court". And that if in doubt I should seek legal advice. As if I need any legal advice on the injustice of the system. The beauty of the email is the last bit "if there is any attendance by the Claimants at the property, or Agents of those persons and they seek to forcibly evict our client from the property, proceedings will be instituted against the Claimant for illegal eviction".

So there you have it, my amusement for today. Not only is the tenant owing thousands of pounds in rent arrears, she's getting free legal aid to try to buck the system and stay on rent free for as long as the system will allow her to. This legal aid system that she is now taking advantage of, is funded by taxpayers money, including what I pay on hard earned income, income that people like her try to take away through this kind of shenanigan. You'd think that the solicitors would at least try to encourage their clients or help them find legit means of paying their debts. Oh,no! they'd rather spend their time on unfruitful stuff, and cause landlords to spend even more money trying to get their property back.

In effect, the solicitors are saying that the court order does not matter. Ignore the court order anyway. Is that not contempt of court then? Why can't we take these guys to court on that basis?? 

I know what I have to do, which is go to the property on the appointed day, establish that the tenant is still in residence, then apply to the bailiffs to evict. Of course that will not be till after christmas/new year now will it. So another month when rent arrears will no doubt increase. She can spin it for as long as the system will allow, but not for ever.

In the meantime, I have put in a money claim for the outstanding arrears to date. She should get the court papers in a couple of days. I wonder what she's going to do with that, tell her solicitors to threaten me even further??

Law and Justice. What can I say? The law is an ass. There is no justice, at least not for landlords. The government beats us over the head with all kinds of sticks, and regulate us till there's nothing else to regulate. But will they give us any help where it is required?? oh no! small enterprise should be choked and burdened with red tape .... of course this is a labour gofmint, innit!!

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