Sunday, 15 November 2009

I have a dream ....

A portfolio that is debt free, tenants that behave and pay on time, and a business that runs smoothly leaving me with time to do the things I want to do and spend time with the family.

This weekend, I'm certain that I've found the way to achieve this.

I'm sitting in the bar at the Heathrow Thistle Hotel, having spent the last three days at the World Internet Summit with like minded people looking to take their online businesses further. There are people out there doing some amazing things on the internet - you don't know the half of it. My brain is in a whirl ... information overloaded. I'm pumped up to the gills with information and seeing opportunities in everything I look at. There are even opportunities to apply some of the techniques to the landlord and tenant issues that I have to grapple with on a day to day basis. Amazing the sorts of creating things one's mind can actually come up with. Let the creative juices flow...

There's tomorrow to go, and after that, I'm just going to have to step back and decide what to do and when.

I'm really blown away by the possibilities. If you haven't already done so, then check out these fantastic products. Its only a small step, but hey, even babies had to learn to walk by taking one step at a time.

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